Friday, November 30, 2007

Stop Sibling Civil War

Tired of your kids fighting about anything and everything? Want an answer that really works? Here it is: don't do anything at all. What does that mean?

Visit This Link and see if some of these great suggestions won't cease some hostilities in your home.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Successful Dyslexia

The Economist reports thirty percent of American entrepreneurs suffer from dyslexia. That's an amazing statistic. How on earth is that possible? Well, when some students who struggle with reading don't give up no matter how hard it is, they learn to overcome and persevere. And that kind of determination translates well in the business world. So if your children have a hard time academically, realize that by encouraging them to never give up, you're equipping them for success.

Think your child might have a reading disorder?

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Future Worth Having

Want to guarantee your children will never live in poverty? Ask them to do two things: get a post-high school degree of some sort and don't have a baby until after they're married. Poverty for folks who meet those two qualifications is almost non-existent. In fact, if you and your family have a heart for the poor, tackling one or both of those social issues is the most effective way of helping people help themselves. Advocate for affordable education and minimal out-of-wedlock births and you'll be advancing a future worth having.

Worried about how to pay for your children's education after high school? Saving for College

Monday, November 26, 2007


20 of the best basketball points ever scored. Unbeatable. Unrelenting. Unstoppable.

Go to and watch this with your children.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

The brain is a strange and wonderful thing.

World magazine reports an 18-year-old motorcycle racer began a race as a Czech, but ended his day as an Englishman. After an accident left him unconscious for 45 minutes, young racer Matej Kus stunned emergency workers by awakening and speaking perfect English. A teammate noted Kus had been trying to learn English, but thus far had only a vague understanding of the language. According to his friends, when Kus awoke, he sounded like a BBC broadcaster.

This illustration proves what a great and marvelous thing the brain is. How things are stored and what prompts behavior is hardly understood and may never be. But we do know words shape the mind which shapes action. And as a father, your words do indeed chart your children's destiny. So if you're constantly critical, you're limiting your kids' potential. If you encourage, you breathe life into them. Your tongue is the rudder which steers your children's ship into the future.

Want to get inside your teen's brain? Visit

Friday, November 23, 2007

Make your bed, save your brain !

Science is now showing the more conscientiousness you are, the less risk you have for developing Alzheimer's. And Dr. Robert Wilson, author of this ground-breaking study, says conscientiousness starts with parents teaching their children how to make their own beds.

Go to and read this very interesting article.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Freedom of choice

Author A.J. Jacobs just came out with a new book called The Year of Living Biblically. Jacobs is not a traditional believer, but he wanted to know what would happen if a modern-day American followed every single rule in the Bible as literally as possible. Not just the famous rules like the Ten Commandments and Love thy Neighbor. But the hundreds of oft-ignored ones like don't eat pork, don't wear clothes of mixed fibers and don't shave your beard. His surmise? I guess what surprised me was how relevant some of the rules were, and how much they affected my life. It was a life-changing and perspective-changing year...I believe in the idea of sacredness that rituals can be sacred, and the Sabbath can be sacred, and there's an importance to that. I also came to appreciate freedom from choice. Not having to worry about the smorgasbord of options, but only about obedience. It was liberating.

He, nor we, suggests this radical change of life. But the idea of the sacred and the freedom from choice are two very important components missing in the lives of many children. You can reinstitute these with a blessing ceremony -

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Parental Guidance always suggested

Are you relying on the G, PG, PG-13 and R ratings to determine which movies your kids can see? I would advise against that. I have seen R-rated movies portray the best in man dealing with the violence of war that would be character-building for older children to view. I've also witnessed PG movies where the central theme of the story is how much the children can disrespect the parents' a horrible message. As a father, first find out what's in the potential movie your children want to see and then determine whether it's helpful or harmful to your kids based on their age and understanding. Movies can be incredibly powerful teaching tools if you and your kids go see a great flick together. But your guidance is always suggested.

For a great website to determine movie content -

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Leave home without it . . .

In 2001, MIT did a study called Always Leave Home Without It and compared how much individuals would pay for the same item using either cash or a credit card. Buyers paid an average of 30-40% more for the same item when credit was used instead of dollars. Why? Because it doesn't seem like real money. I have a rule of thumb that works for me. If something is under $20, I pay cash for it. Not debit. Hard cash. I am that loser in the Visa commercials. If its over $20, I usually discuss it with my wife before purchasing with a credit card. This may not be practical for everyone, but I have found it provides a great checks and balance system. If you owe on your credit card, you need to establish safeguards. Money is a great servant but a poor master.

For great tips on getting out of credit card debt,